Ahhhh….. Now that my vibration is raised, we can continue. Did you know that we are all made of energy and have our own unique energy that is vibrating at a different rate? When your vibration is lower you may be sad, depressed, pessimistic and when your vibration is higher, you may be happy, optimistic, and even joy-filled.
Happy, joy-filled, optimistic, yes, I want some of that! Let’s read the suggestions below while focusing on what you can do to raise your vibration.
- Each morning think about your life and what you could be grateful for. For instance, I am grateful for my good health, my children, my current job, my fabulous Honda Civic, and my dentist whom I couldn’t live without.
- Do something, anything you love doing. It can be as simple as walking on the beach, listening to your favorite singer, reading a good book or watching your favorite movie. Please no tear jerkers like The Titanic, Schindler’s List or The Notebook.
- Spend some quality time with your family or friends.
- Laugh until your cry.
- Look at old photographs that bring back happy memories.
- Forgive. Forgiving your friend, relative, or boss will release you from the negative feeling.
- Forget that anyone could be watching and dance with abandon.
- Exercise and let those wonderful endorphins give you that feeling of peace.
- Meditate.
- Allow yourself to feel the emotions you are feeling. Don’t hold back and have a good cry if that is what you’re feeling. Determine what is making you sad and then release it.
- Smile even though you don’t mean it.
- See everyone you meet as your friend.
- Hugging. Hug people even when you first meet them.
What else can you do to raise your vibration? You can embrace and accept who you are. Do not listen to the critic inside of your head that judges, critiques, and blames you. Stop listening to the tape that plays in your head telling you that you “look fat in the outfit” or are “not smart enough”.
It is so important that you be mindful of the comments you are making to yourself. Be aware when those negative thoughts come into your mind like breaking waves coming into shore. Just change those thoughts! Ilene, are you getting it? Do you understand?
I’m going to conclude by saying that your objective could be to feel happy or joyous. When the energy is flowing, your vibration is high, nothing is “stuck” and you are not “feeling down”. G-d knows, that is what I am striving towards. When the energy is blocked, you’ll experience the opposite. A simple rule of thumb could be if it makes you happy do it or think it, if it doesn’t, don’t do it and stop thinking it!
The post Raising Your Vibration – Part 2 appeared first on Positively Changing.